Kirupa security article 2.0

Ok everyone…

I’m in the process of revamping my security article. It will introduce new programs to better help clean and protect your computer.

I’m going to go a bit more in depth with this one and talk more about how everything works.

Since my last article a lot of people have become increasingly aware of the threat Malware poses to our systems and you have learned to use most of the software mentioned in that article and have found your own solutions.

This thread is for you all to tell me what you want to know. Are there things you still have trouble understanding? Are there some spyware items that you can’t remove or have had repeated trouble removing?

Are there programs you have heard of that work great and you want to let me know? Are there programs that you heard about, but want an expert opinion on?

Let me know! Post up in this thread!

[size=1](in case anyone needs to know before I go giving them advice about their machine…)

Currently working in the Information Resource Management Section of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
Former Senior Network Administrator for the Florida Highway Patrol
15+ years of computer experience and operating system environments, with specialties in security and cleaning.[/size]