I followed the full website tutorial found it great _ But the only thing I didn’t get was how did you inbedded the text in the buttons
EX when you presed the membership button __ the text --a membership is open to everyone pops up_ how was this done ??
On my page I assigned an action to the button(about)_ on (release) {
Heres the thing i assigned the same script for a news button too
But when i test the movie you can press the about button and get info _ but the news button doesn’t work
But if you refresh and click the news button first it works fine but the about button doesn’t work – what to do
another quick ?
On my site i have a porfolio button _ the page shall contian small tumbnails _ when clicked they inlarge _ Can I do all this in the same layer as my main frame or do I have to build it in a new layer or movie clip ???
Thanks for your time and help