KIRUUUUUUUUUUPA! concerning ilyaslamasse

You ARE serious about that… Anyway, there’s an open source gallery, so it doesn’t make sense to make a “Pom’s gallery”, does it (though I’d probably like it… :stuck_out_tongue: ).

And no need to say that I’m not the only one producing interesting stuff here, merely the only one bragging about it. But I tell you what could be interesting: to do something like they did in that book, Flash Math Creativity, you take an experiment with all the variations you could think of, how the experiment evolved, and what key variables you can play with. Different shapes, different colors, different scales… That could be a whole new section.

I don’t know, we have to talk about that, tell me what you think.

pom :asian:

Arghh!! Now that you’ve said that, I feel that I have to be all nice and explain everything to everybody! ****ed!!

pom :asian:

NO, you don’t!

You have always explained, everything to everybody…even when no one wanted to bother.

Maybe if you have your own category or something then people can learn about what you post, allowing you to do your stuff and not having to answere to others all the time…get my point

I agree! I think we should have a method of judging useful members. I am open to all ideas and will be willing to follow through on anything concrete (or pavement :)) we come up with!

Kirupa :bandit:

boy… no one suggested this when I was king of the help forum. :wink: Must be a French thing.

Actually we only thought about it because we felt sorry that he was born French because its got to be hard on anyone with that kind of disability so we decided to make his day better and give him a new title/award…so yea, I guess its a French thing. Heheh thats just a joke but it was a good joke wasn’t it???

Well who is to say we cannot have a team of gurus. Liek a commity, you know. A few guys who run one flash guru category or some such thing.

“Concrete” details to be determined by members of that group.

Hopefully, I speak only French.

pom :asian:

Would have posted something sooner, but I started my new job as Queen of E-Commerce this week, so I’ve barely been at my desk, let alone a PC. I’ve met lots of new people and forgotton lots of names. C’est la vie.

Anyway, this sounds like a cool idea to me, and I mean the awards, not the strippers, before anyone decides to get cheeky. :slight_smile:

When I get 5 mins to myself I’ll play around with some graphic-y (is that a word?) type things, and see what comes up.

I am all for it! And I’ll display a link below the Site of the Week link on the home page and put that member’s name as someone worth reading about on the the forums :slight_smile: Cool Kit, I would like to check out what you come up with!

Also, how will we nominate the users?

Kirupa :rambo:

Would people prefer static graphics, or mini Flash movies for the awards?

And I’m sure I’m not the only one who’d like Edwin’s input on this. Where are you, what do you think? :slight_smile:

I think that we should get a bunch together and all go over them with a fine toothed critical eye. We’ll get ahold of edwin. I see him on AIM every once in a while.

I think that an animated swf with a counterpart static image is the best way to go. Publish settings will let you devise a static image from the first frame of the movie, I think… or maybe you can set any frame… I can’t remember. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe we should have rounds of entries posted for a poll. :-\

I personaly have been working on a few ideas so far on paper, and everything looks dumb to me. I’m hoping that other’s will come up with something better. Maybe I’ll come up with something today… who knows.

still having preloader problems as well. grrrr

Well the award idea is OK, as long as the award is outlined, and have several different categoeries.

But what about the Flash Guru commity that finds and or creates their own FLA’s and posts then discusses them, and perhaps have a tutorial type of posting about it.

I think that would add a valuable resource to the forum, and they could have a award, if they like, for the most interesting or best FLA of the week or month. And perhaps others coudl post some FLA’s as suggestions liek in coolwebsites. But more so the team would be responsible for also coming up with some interesting or useful FLA’s.

NOt sure if I am making sense

Isnt that what the tutorials are all about? And, Cheers! Pom… you da man. I think your kind of help is contagious. Most of you don’t know this, but Pom helped someone build an interface that calculates psi/per fava beans. And he did it all with 16 lines of code! Simply amazing. I heard he was looking for beta testers. I had to decline.

Congrats, Pom

nno its not the same, its more personal and …oh well i give up, no one seems to unswerstand or want to understand, thats ok.

I tried…

Anyone still have any ideas? I am very very keen on getting the names of all those who help extensively on the forums out there for the people to know. Maybe a Flash animation that simply displays a random name from a helpful member each time he/she visits the site with a clickable link to their profile/personal site. All the information can be loaded from a variables.txt file. I really think this is a great way to give back to all those such as pom who have helped with keeping the site fresh with new content and such. This will basically be a small box on the left below the contents where the name of a random forum helper will appear.

Kirupa :rambo:

Nice idea.

I should have a little bit of free time this afternoon, ostensily to play around with all the new software they’ve given me, so I think I’ll have a few hours ‘flash time’. :slight_smile:

This Friday I’ll create the little blurb that will go on my site with a random top-member appear. Holler at me if I seem to forget!

Btw: Let’s all give a shout to lostinbeta who is a new moderator.

Kirupa :rambo:

That’s great. Lostinbeta has been a real help over the last month.

Gongrats sir.

But what about the Flash Guru commity that finds and or creates their own FLA’s and posts then discusses them, and perhaps have a tutorial type of posting about it.

This is interesting, though I agree that the tutorial section has some similarities. Possibly just doing this, in the tutorial section would be enough.

I was also thinking that it might be interesting to set up a weekly chat room where something like 2 or 3 of us moderators agree to attend, and answer questions in a live setting. Any thoughts on that?

Gee… Im a little hurt… no moderator here. Kirupa has forsaken me… booo hooooo…hooo… I shall take mine own life by choking on all these flash books… <cough> <cough> By the powers of Moock and Nielsen… I CAST THEE OUT!

hehehe… just kidding, of course.