KIRUUUUUUUUUUPA! concerning ilyaslamasse

You sure about that Iammontoya? Check again. Congrats btw =)

Congrats Montoya! YOUR BOLDED TOO! I will tell you what rengirl once told me

don’t fall too far into the shadows of being a mod. Sure mods get more sex, drugs and rock and roll, but behind all that is just a dark lonely mod… with a lot of sex, drugs and rock and roll.

Use this advice wisely :slight_smile:

What if I don’t like rock n’ roll? Already have the other two covered, but I’m not a rocker lol :P!


Theres more rock and roll on the dark side…


Humm… A bit of seriousness, please.

OK, here’s what I have proposed to Kirupa. Tell me what you think about it:

I thought about a whole new section to the site, something a little bit like what Alex proposed. Every month, or week, or whatever, this section would be reserved for a mod to present an experiment. He would provide the basic code, giving leads for users to experiment on their own. Then we could have a dedicated forum where we could all show our work, our codes… And we could possibly have a reward for the best contribution and all.

I’ve worked on the first one, a simple grid, and I really believe that this can be a lot of fun :slight_smile:

pom :asian:

That sounds like a great idea. I’m all for it… though like I said… it could probebly be done in the tutorial section… but if you guys would like it in it’s own place, that too is fine with me.

my first will probebly be the newsticker… it’s fresh in my head, and interestingly complex while being simple too. :slight_smile: Plus… I can always use polishing on a project like that. My letters are not 100% perfect in their spacing… I’d love to be able to solve that problem… perhaps having enough other people look at the code will be the trick… though I may have worked it out already. We’ll see.

Well… let me know what you want me to do guys.

OK, I’m starting a new thread about all this :slight_smile:

HOLLER!!! :bounce:

lost sssssssh

did i heard dan saying something about strippers ? :q: ?

did i :q: ? :q:

:love: yay!!! *sees everyone in Kirupaville including Flash MX and Actionscript come running to Random :bounce:

i´m sure dan said something about strippers! :eye: were ?

…there were no strippers here five minutes ago before you posted. What are you talking…about. Nobody was here, right dan? Right?

Kirupa :q:


i´ll always have berta, you know. she´ll never leave me [SIZE=1]again[/SIZE] :*(

*Originally posted by Makaveli *
**HOLLER!!! :bounce:

lost sssssssh **

Tell me to ssssh huh?



i was jus playing along, seriously!
[SIZE=1]damm, you nerver believe that :([/SIZE]

but that other thread of pom´s you got me good :blush: