I am working on a project and Flash has changed a lot since I last used it (I’ve also forgotten most of what little I knew then, as that was about 7 years ago).
The project that I’m doing is going to need some clickable interface controls for navigating through a web site. This is the first part I’m stuck at, as simply placing an “address” link in my button-symbol only serves to underline the text (and how in the world am I going to remove that underline, since I can’t access any raw script in this program?)
Overall, I am finding myself caught in a web of GUI filth that I cannot debug like reasonable code, and I’m asking for some “rookie knows nothing about Flash” tutorials that would serve:
1.) Button interfaces
2.) How to edit these interfaces with ActionScript? (since I’m very familiar with C-style syntax).
3.) When I get to a higher level of understanding, I’ll definitely have some more ridiculous questions for you guys. Is this a forum that accepts noobies into the fold?