For those that work as a flash developer in studio/in house / design firm, etc. I am very curious how much you need to know about actionscript from a webdesigner/flashdesigner. What do employers look for when hiring a flash designer, especially during an interview?
If you are a flash/flex/prog developer/engineer and have been part of the interview process, I do know that it is not hard to figure out and infer the person’s as3 skill w/out seeing the code. But nevertheless, I am sure the prospect company is looking for a designer who can do a bit of scripting but at the same time, enough so that he can work with the rest of other team (programmers).
I have been using flash since 4.0 and was not so good with AS3 (only knew the minimum requirement… add clip… depth, etc…)
When CS3/AS3 was released, I have quit my job and took about 8 months to study AS3 (nothing but as3, no design, nothing). It was a upgrading session for myself for I wanted to be one of the best web/flash designers. At the same time, I have felt that AS3 is part of designer’s tool and designers should be able to use his/her tool successfully to become the ‘professional’.
What do employers look for from a flash/web designer (in terms of AS3).
Any feedback would be really appreciated…