Next Perminant interview. Im new, Can you give me advice?

Hi all :smiley:

I applied for a job as a Flash Developer and they want to meet up with me next week for a chat about my experiences and the role.

Here is the job spec.

Applicants must have experience of Flash and actionscript 3 (AS3/AS2), Php 
& mysql, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator, XHTML/CSS/JavaScript. Also, basic 
knowledge in server administration (Linux), flexible knowledge and approach to 
learning new skills on the job. Applicants must also have attention to detail, be 
able to work without supervision, meet strict deadlines, work creatively and make a
 long term commitment to the position. The company is a rapidly expanding 
Edinburgh-based creative web and print design firm, with many exciting dynamic
 new projects to get involved in. The successful applicant will be required to work 
from home but attend regular progress meetings. Main duties involve developing 
flash applications and designing games, using primarily AS3. 

I spend my life looking for Flash/Flex/AS3 roles yet when one comes along, i go into nervous mode in a bad way. The only thing i truely can say i understand is AS3. That is, anything flash related i could happily approach. The role is a Flash Developer.

However everything else seriously plays with me. Lets take PHP/mySQL. I dont look at this much but at the same time, last year i made a googlemaps/flex/classifieds application using PHP and mySQL. However here is where i go wrong… I can do anything php/mysql related if you give me google but i cant say in a concrete way “Yes i know them fluently” because i dont.

The same could be said about photoshop/illustrator. I use photoshop for preparing bitmaps for AS3 and used illustrator to create Path data for box2d bit i certainly am not the master.

XHTML/CSS/Javascript… The same thing. I cant say i dont know XHTML. There is limited tags available after all so i could cover the W3 tutorials but again, if you ask me to sit down and recode the MSN front page… I cant do that.

So as you can see. When i goto an interview, im my own worst enemy. The very last thing i want though is to get the job, sit down on day one and be told “recode our homepage in AJAX”.

Can anyone give me advice on the above? Surely all you guys cant be a master of everything before you begin to work full time and build experience? So the trick is, i need to come across confident in what i do know without blowing myself away stressing what i half-know etc.
