Kobe Bryant Arrested

just heard about it on the news, heres an article:


personally i think he’s innocent, he’s married and has a daughter, and doesnt seem like the person to do something like that.:confused:

Whos dat?

lol soul? ‘who’s kobe bryant?’ hehehe :slight_smile:

Yes, whos Kobe Bryant

he’s “the next Michael Jordan”. Plays for the LA Lakers.

Personally, I wouldn’t put this stuff past any celebrity or athlete. But I’m willing to bet that woman just wants money from him.

[SIZE=1]if you ask who michael jordan is soul, i’ll hurt you.[/SIZE]

Michae… :stuck_out_tongue:

I read about that yesterday - that is unfortunate. I actually liked Kobe. From what I read, police don’t have enough to actually arrest him - so that’s cool. Btw, there are rumors that Gary Payton might join the LA Lakers next season :wink:

Kirupa :toad:

Ya this kind of has a Money Grab scheme writen all over it. We are talking about a guy who could easily sleep with a large number of hot chicks at any time. If he wanted to cheat on his wife i’m sure he could do it without sexual harassing some one.

And besides have you seen his wife…she is one hot hot chick.

from what i know about kobe (which is very little) he doesn’t seem the type to do something like this. he never went out and partied with his teammates (prolly b/c he was like 18 when he started), but i remember him saying in an interview that alcohol and clubs weren’t for him.

it seems like it would be very easy for practically any woman to claim that a man sexually assaulted her…but there has to be some evidence or connection somewhere. bottomline: i don’t think kobe is totally innocent (these things USUALLY don’t appear out of thin air), but i don’t think he did anything that bad either.


I don’t know if i’m a hotel worker and a multi million dollar perosn stays at the place and I happen to be in the room with that person while no one else is in there i think i might claim it jsut to see if i cna get a settelment. Things like this do come out of thin air when the oprtunity arises.

what i mean by “out of thin air” is that kobe and this chick had to have some contact together…and then there were some bruises or “signs of sexual harrasment” on the chick.

but yeah, it prolly would be easy to get a settlement


*Originally posted by NaliWarCowZ *
**[SIZE=1]if you ask who michael jordan is soul, i’ll hurt you.[/SIZE] **

whos soul?

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**whos soul? **

The next Kirupa :trout:


*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**The next Kirupa :trout:

j/k **

Who’s kirupa?

j/k had to be said:trout:


Yah it’s really sad that this came to the press if in fact he is innocent. He has been married since he was like 21 I think and has always said he was happily married. In fact I remember one interview where he was called a “sex symbol” and he showed his ring to the camera close up and said “I’m off the market ladies, so dont even think about it!”

But then again - you never know. Stranger things have happend that’s for sure. I for one don’t think he did it… but it’s possible that’s for sure.

I think that Kobe is innocent IMO, and once this is over he should press heavy charges against the girl who accused him, so she will be forced to be himulated(sp) by the media. She is attempting to hurt his image, which he’s worked so hard to build.

He did it…


And please, enlighten us allknowing one, how do you know this?

  • Soul :s:

1 question…

what was he doing in the room of an exclusive resort WITHOUT HIS WIFE?

Can anyone say layup, slam dunk, SCORE…