Korn return

For those unlucky bastards (like myself) who live in australia Korn are finally comming back here! After five years of waiting I can finally see them live. Joining them will be fear-factory and Stactic X. Quite a show!

with out korn, they wouldnt of been able to make the Children of the corn…


i had to

i dont really like korn to much, “Falling away from me” was one of my favorite songs from them:)

I dont think they’ve tried…I should of realised I would get a few of these :slight_smile:

Korn is my fav band Issues was there best album they gonna release a new album this month i hope its as good as the new song from the Tomb Raider movie Did My Time its in the new Album they better make this album good cause that Untouchables album was kinda korny and gay they better redeem themselves or they will lose a Fan :*(

Mmmmmmm sweet corn with hot melted butter

korn was the best bad i have ever seen live

god pains me! I’ve never seen the light. who want’s to see?
god told me! I’ve already got the life. oh I say

KoRn kicks major arse! They are among my favourite bands. I haven’t seen them live, but apparently they are one hell of a show

*Originally posted by Coppertop *
**god pains me! I’ve never seen the light. who want’s to see?
god told me! I’ve already got the life. oh I say

KoRn kicks major arse! They are among my favourite bands. I haven’t seen them live, but apparently they are one hell of a show **

dude you have no idea, go see them… now!! hurry!!!

their doing a show with Limp but the tickets are sold out :frowning:

I need to get a ticket to this show then. they go on sale on the 14th. YES!!! How much would it cost in American $? I’ll do the change over to Australia, or you can


I cant stand them.

Who? Pirate Ghosts or korn?


corn rules!


haha, that episode was great.