"L337 Speak, being taught to children" What is this world coming to?

Hey guys,
Well, I’ve found some very irratating content on the back of a “Recces Puff’s Cereal” box (excuse my wrong-type), and you might already know what I’m talking of. Here’s the story:
I woke up for school as any other day, walked down stairs, and grabbed a bowl for some good ol’ cereal… now, while watching MTV and reading the back of box, I noticed that they have this little fun game for kids to teach them about L337 speak. Ofcourse this was very light L337 speak, but it really just irratated me on what our world is coming to!
Well, I’m a very big online gamer, so I’ve seen everysingle kind of L337 speak out there :wink: , so seeing this on the back of a cereal box, really made me mad! All these little kids, going on their Aol Instant Messenger, talking to eachother in ‘soft L337’… Here’s an example of what appears on the box : “WHAT PIC DOU WANZ C?”
or “SUP 4 NXT WKND?” bah… kids are going to be brainwached I’ll tell yah’. thx+_+
