Lame Pixel Patterns

Hey everyone.

I was bored today so I went into Photoshop and I thought I would try and make a seamless pixel pattern of scales. But I didn’t want your typical scales, that would be too easy! Instead I came up with these 2 patterns. Essentially they are exactly the same, but one I added what seems to be a more 3d depthish look to it. They arent that good, but 1) I have never done a seamless pattern, and 2)It was just a bordom piece.

The pattern itself is just the dots, you can place it on any background color so keep that in mind if you decide to post a comment.

nice texture lost…

thanks, I’m sure it will come in handy…


Do you know how to save specific patterns from your pattern list? I can do that and upload them for download here.

Nevermind, I got it. I lost a few of my other custom patterns in the process, but they weren’t hard so I am not worried.

You can right click and choose “Save As…” to download.


I was gonna suggest a pattern contest in battle after the current battles were over :wink:

looks cool though… makes me think of furniture upolstery :-\ I think a lot has to do with the fact that scaley things usually dont have that much scale showing at once like that (at that scale… lol) :slight_smile:

LOL… yeah that is a lot of scales in one area…HAHAHA. Oh well.

How about we call it “dirt” instead :wink:

All I care about is that it took forever because it is complex, but it is still seamless!!! WEEEE!!!

Who cares if it is ugly and tacky… it is seamless!!!

cool! never done patterns… :smirk:
The first one looks like a bunch of dwarfs standing close together or ssomething :P!

LOL! Are you on drugs skyo!? I bunch of dwarfs standing next to eachother eh?


*Originally posted by Syko *
**cool! never done patterns… :smirk:
The first one looks like a bunch of dwarfs standing close together or ssomething :P! **

garden gnomes to be more exact :wink:

… I still see hidden messages… I can make out a P really good and sometimes I see Rs, Is and Ns…



I’m not on drugs… though it has been brought up many times… :slight_smile:
It is like a big crowd of dwarfs standing close to each other! very little!
I think senocular must be on drugs! he can find letters in there!

i think you all are on drugs! i can´t see nothing but a ´pixel pattern…:-\

Thanks guig0 I now know that at least one other person here isn’t on drugs :wink:

we´re perfect, aren´t we? :wink:

This reminds me of those Magic Eye illusion books.

Hmmmm maybe it is supposed to :wink:

I used to have a collection of those books when I was a kid.

you´re freaking me out :hair:

I SEE THE GNOMES TOO! lol! just their hats you can see though…

well it looks nice lost!


Thanks midipi :wink:

said like the keanu’s friend from hard ball while selling ticks MAN NEEDS MONEY FOR CRACK! I NEED CRACK! NOW GET OUT!