I’ve always thought that my laptop “ran a little hot.” It’s 2.5 years old and I plan on keeping it at least until I get done with undergraduate school (another 2 years). When I was at circuit city the other day, I happened to notice a new product for laptops. It was an aluminum slab with fans that sits underneath your laptop and helps keep it ventilated. I was thinking that maybe a product like this could help to extend the life of my laptop.
So here are my questions:
Does my laptop really need the extra ventilation? Surely HP puts their laptops through rigorous testing (I’m being halfway sarcastic here).
Would it be better to get a cooler with fans or one without fans? Does anybody have one of these? I’m afraid the one with fans might be too noisy.
In case you have no idea what I’m talking about, here’s a couple links:
fans --> http://www.pocketpcminds.com/mods/board_news/article.php?cat=&id=192
no fans --> http://www.dealtime.com/xPO-Antec_ANTEC_NOTEBOOK_COOLER_W_2_X_DOUBLE_BALL_BEARING