Last day for Entries!

Hey kirupa, I need to carry on doing some work to my game so for the sake of judging I’m putting a copy of the game in its current state here:

I won’t be updating this version from now on so please use the above link for judging

sorry to be a pain in the butt :-/ let me know if this causes any problems


Yeah man it’s a game called “Set”, I used to play it in grades 5 and 6. :puzzle: I mentioned in in the About section of the game


Hey kirupa,
I submitted a game last night about 30 minutes before the deadline. Any luck adding it to the list? I also admit I had to make a small fix this morning at like 6 cuz I uploaded the version with music, and replaced it with the one without (for size limit purposes). Unfortunatly i had to rush the game and only made 2 levels… I wish you would make a 1-2 day improvement period!!


Hope you can add it, or see my other post

No problem traveler. Game has been added up.

Many of you have posted or PM’ed me about what to do if people modify games after the deadline. That has not been a problem in the past, and we have never had a similar issue occuring with our previous contests :slight_smile:

On the final round of voting though, the top games will be hosted locally so that the chance of developer modifications is eliminated.

Kirupa :slight_smile:

Have the top ten been picked yet? How close is it?

Not yet :slight_smile: The judges have about a week to get their entries in.

I don’t think I can wait that long :*(

:slight_smile: Dangerskew.

It’s more important that they take account of everything, each little nuance, rather than rush a top 10 without getting deeper into the games.

Also, being people they prolly have lives, maybe :slight_smile:

Maybe? :smiley:

not necessarily :stuck_out_tongue: