Last minute desperation!

i’m in year13 at school, take I.C.T as a subject, and we have to make a game using Flash. The due date is in 20hours time, and in true form, i’ve left it all to the last minute, and have no idea what i’m doing with this program, so if anyone could give me ANY hints at all as to what to do, it would be GREATLY appreciated.

what i’m trying to make is a maths game, where there are animated water droplets coming from the top of the stage, and a moveable character has to catch the droplet with the correct answer (say, 6, in answer to 3+3=?), which will then make a new question (e.g 5+3=?) appear, and the same routine repeats.

**what i have done is made droplets appear and fall down the screen (but they are all the same number), the character is controllable, and have a graphic of the question (3+3=?)

i would quite like to pass
i will be up all night, so please reply as soon as possible

thank you =D