apart from taking out the rollover feature, which I was just about getting used to, the changes they have made are horrible! What is Microsoft thinking?
The overall design bleeds my eyes like a bad msn skinned by an amateur. Everything is so faded.
check out the “side by side comparison of the two betas”. The old version is so much greater than the new in so many ways.
note: I realise that I may have been abit harsh and exaggerated abit, but I’m currently in such a great state of shock… I mean, Windows Messenger (the one that comes with XP) looks so much better.
edit: after changing my background to something more appropriate, I find it not too bad, although some things about it still bug me. I still would like to know what others think.
Hey… I just realised that they took off the bar at the top of the chat area (where we currently have To: xxx <someone@hehe.com>)
Personally I still think they should’ve chopped off the very top bar instead, it just works better because when you select “show menu bar”, it shows well, a bar above that top bar.
also, in the previous beta, the bar with the To: <email> in the chat area could be used to toggle display pictures.
I loved that feature, seeing how I don’t wish to always stare at my friend’s display picture, yet am interested to know if he changes it (thus needing quick access to display it), and now and then you want to temporarily hide it to have more chat area (thus needing a quick method to toggle it).