Hi guys,
i am new here and very new to Flash scripting and not much of a coder at all…
i am trying to do a piece in flash and have figured out how to make it fun full screen…
now here’s the problem, with Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”; on the first frame it doesn’t really scale the swf…
what i really want to do is take Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”; out but then be able to see the swf play with out distortion… is that possible?
how do you go about retrieving the width and the height inside of the browser window and go about applying it in actionscript so the height is always 100% and the width is always scales proportionally so the swf doesn’t get distorted?
i am totally at a loss of thought right now…
so as a newbie, any help would be greatly appreciated…
and many thanks in advance…