yooooooooooooooow! this site is dope, i’ve found a lot of tips and techniques -no responses for my initial ?uestions though but hey its only been about 20mins -lol well i have a few questions for you swift freaks out there too - you ready? ok, i would like to do more complex animations in swift -i know it’s possible iv’e seen the Erain site -lol anyway more specifically id like to know about layering if i have more than one object how do i arrange one on top of the other -is that the heirerchy thing-a-muh-jigga? -bottom line id like to design a preloader in swift for use in flash but it will have to have multiple peices in order to satisfy my artistic demands any ideas on how to go about doin this or should i just design my artwork in swift the take it to flash and give it life there? or start out in Illustrator as usual =)
well, I’m not quite clear on exactly what you’re trying to do, but starting in swift then mucking about with it in flash is generally a safe bet.
just a word of warning though, when designing a preloader you need to make sure it isn’t too complex. it needs to load pretty quickly or it defeats the point.