Layers - newbie question!

Hi guys,
I am new to Flash but am used to Photoshop and understand layers and I have also grasped the concept of timelines.

Before I start, I would like to say that I find that basic Flash tutorials are useless. They just tell you how to draw a line or a triangle etc and no one wants to do that. The cool stuff is never explained. I understand that the cool stuff is more intricate but knowing how to draw a triangle is no benefit to such cool stuff and you are non the wiser!

Here are a couple of problems I have discovered.

  1. I want to create what I believe is called an alpha/onion skinning effect. I can see it is made of 2 layers of the same text - just overlapped. Layer 1 is static text and layer 2 is the same text but animated so that it comes towards the screen and then fades out. This is repeated.

My problem is that I create layer 1 and enter the text. I copy this text and then go to a new layer. I intend to paste this text and then adjust it how I want it. But when I go to the 2nd layer I can still see the text from layer 1. In Photoshop, when you select another layer to work on, the contents of other layers disappear. But this does not seem to happen in Flash.

On top of this, I am unable to paste this text in the new layer. I cannot get them to overlap. I can create a moving alpha fade movie but I cannot seem to create one with a 2nd layer underneath it. It just has the one layer.

I found a tutorial for this very trick at but even by following, word for word, the instructions, i cannot get the 2nd layer to display the static text!

  1. I tried a different tack and created a new movie with the same technique. I wanted a bunch of words, at different points of the screen, to fade in and come towards the viewer. I created each word on a different layer. Again, even though I was on a particular layer I oculd still see the other layers. Even though I was on layer 5. All 4 previous layers were visible.
    The annoying thing is I cannot utilise that space if it’s taken up. For example, if word ABC is in the top left of the screen for the first 1 - 10 seconds, how do I assign (by a different layer) word XYZ to the same location after 30 seconds if, ABC is still showing up in my timeline and layers?

I have a Flash 5 book and am reading as many tutorials as I can but am getting stuck.

Could someone please help?

Hey there,
I know what u mean about how u wanna know the more funky animations and effects first, but like my brother always says “U have to learn how to crawl before you can walk”. In regards to how u want your text to come towards the screen and fades out. Thats pretty simple, just a mixture of alpha, resizing and tweening in a movie clip. If my understand is correct, this is what u want to do:

create a movie clip, within the movie clip… create your text, convert the text to a graphic. first frame have your size to what u want it to be (small size) in frame 10 (e.g) insert a keyframe. And increase the size of the text but select the resize tool, drag it out to make the text bigger… now on frame 10… use the alpha and make it 0%… right click between the 2 keyframes>create motion tween…

thats it…

then go back to your scene… press Ctrl ‘L’ to make your library appear, and drag your movie clip into the stage…

And VIOLA!!!


hope thats what u wanted…
seeya mate…



I know how to do the alpha, szie changing thing. As I said in my post though, I don’t know how to effectively “double track” he text on 2 layers so I have the static text underneath the moving text.

In Photoshop you just copy the layer but I can’t do this in Flash.

With regard to layers. A layer is completely transparent, except where something is placed or drawn or typed into a text box. If you want an opeque layer then you will have to place a rectangle of fill the size of the stage and centered on the stage on any given layer. I do not think that this will be necessary as there are other things that you are not thinking about. Try my example below, it may help you in a number of areas of your project.

You may be having problems with keyFrames in the layers. At least with regard to text still being in existance when it should be gone.

An object, or drawn lines/fills, or text block, sound etc. will stay in existance from the first keyframe it exists in until the end of it’s timeline, or until it encounters another keyframe.

Try this. Open a new movie.

[]Select frame one of layer one on the timeline.
]Select the text tool and click on the stage with it.
[]Type in whatever text you want.
]Select the black arrow tool.
[]On the timeline select, “create layer”
]With the black arrow tool, click on the text once to select it, if it is not selected.
[]Hit, Ctrl+C to “copy” the selected text block.
]Select the first frame of your new layer. Mind you, I’m assuming at this point that the layer is located above the one you just copied from. It should be white with a small clear circle at in it.
[]Hit, Ctrl+Shift+V to “paste in place”.
]The first frame should now be grey, and the circle at it’s begining is a filled in black circle, and should resemble in all manners the layer below it… A dotted line runs to the right, until the last frame of that timeline.

Right now you have the same text on top of itself, so you wont be able to see the underlying text at this point. If you click on the eyeball symbol on that layer it will turn invisible and you’ll be able to edit the stuff below it… but remember, it’s only invisible in editing mode… the text or object or whatever will be there when you make a final production.
[*]So… with the layer2 (the top layer) frame 1 selected, hit menu option Edit/Create Motion Tween

[*]set up the motion tween for this layer as you want it to look… you said that you could do that. Make it’s full animation 30 frames in length total.
You should note that the timeline of the first layer… the bottem layer, does not continue past frame 1. A created layer will extend as far as the full length of the main timeline of that scene. At the time we created the layers there was only one frame in our movie.
What this means is if you draw the play head to the right, to see how your _alpha, _scale tweening is going, you wont see the text on frame 2. Select frame 20 in the bottem layer and choose menu option Edit/Insert frame.
You will now see the black dot in the first frame, and a dotted line running out into the frames to the right until frame 20 when it ends.
Now if you move the play head you’ll see the text remain behind while your motion tween does it’s thing.

Since I’m not sure what you want to have happen to the text, I can’t give you more than that. But this is the next logical step.
[]select frame 1 of the top layer.
create a new layer, (should be layer3 and should be above both of the other two layers)
]Where you see the text from the layers below, use the text tool and click around that area.
[]Type in some new text… different than you had on the first two layers.
]Possition the text so that it is located overlapping the text from below.
[]Click on the “lock” symbol AND the “eyeball” symbol on layers 1 and 2. This will make it easier to work on your upper layers without confusion.
]With the black arrow tool. Click and hold down on the first frame of layer3. With the mouse held down drag that frame to the right. and carefuly place it in frame 31 of layer 3 and let go of the mouse button.
[]Select the text on the stage and hit Ctrl+C to “copy”.
]Create a new layer (layer4, should be above all the rest.)
[]Select frame 31 in this layer and hit menu option Edit/insert Blank Keyframe.
]Select this new keyframe at frame 31 (which is white and has a small clear circle in it.), and hit Ctrl+Shift+V to “paste in place”.

[*]Use the method you did before to create a motion tween for the top layer of these two, expanding as far as you like down the timeline.
What you will notice if you do a test movie, is that the first animation occurs, leaving behind a static version of itself on the stage, until the next animated words begin. As soon as that happens, the other two layers no longer have frames going to the right. They end at frame 31. So the next animation that comes along is not interfiered with by the remains of the previous.

Make use of, and learn to understand, what keyframes vs, blank keyframes do to a timeline, and be sure to delete frames at the end of a layer to suit where you would like something to end it’s existance in the flow of the movie. There’s no reason why some texts, if they are not on top of each other, exist at the same time or in overlapping times to each other. It actually makes things smoother in most cases.

These instructions are meant to be take step by step. If one step is confusing let me know


That was a fantastic reply and very indepth. Thank you very much.
However, I can’t get far due to the incessant problems - that prompted me to post here.
I got as far as copying the text. I went to the new layer, which was above the 1st layer. There was no clear circle in it.

Now, here is the crux. I pasted the text and the text jumped straight to the dead centre of the screen. The text in layer one was higher and to the left.
This is my problem, I cannot get the text to duplicate itself exactly in the same place. For some reason, Flash places the text in layer 2 smack bang in the middle.
The example I was trying was based at

I cannot even get anywhere with simple tutorials!

I tried a Kirupa simple example:
but for some reason, my Flash does not produce the “up” and “over” features. I follow the example, save as button but do not get these 4 button options.

I know I sound like a total idiot but I am not. I cannot get either of these problems to work and I’d be happy if I could because alpha text and animated buttons would make the mainstay of my Flash work.

Any help please?

I doubt that you’re an idiot. All programs have psudo glitches which people become used to. When you’re new to a program you encounter them and don’t know how to over come them. In most cases, we just know what to do.

When you get to that step, Select the first frame and try just inserting a frame. I think it’s F5 on the keyboard. It may be that your Flash is not creating a blank keyframe when a new layer is created. Typicaly when you hit the “create layer” icon, a new layers opens and on the timeline where that layer is, a blank first frame apears.

If that’s not happening, you might have to reinstal the program. I’m not sure how anoying it will get even if you do find a round about way of creating the first frame.

mind you it’s hard to tell sitting here. :slight_smile: don’t rush into anything at this point.