Layout/Splash Ideas

Hey everyone… just messing around today and started playing with a layout for a splash that would resemble my site… I am hoping to get something working for me shortly after the New Year - anyway lwt me know what you think… granted this is VERY rough, and I dont even know about the colors, well about anything yet - just the first of what I am sure to be dozens of ideas:


Nice Nice… Thoes arrows make it look a little busy though… Anyway, I dunno how you people do it, make the designs work so well. Mine are always so plain…
Nice job :slight_smile:


Kind of a bit trendy, I like it though. It is nice.

I don’t like the giant text in the lower corner though, it throws off the flow.

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Kind of a bit trendy, I like it though. It is nice.
I don’t like the giant text in the lower corner though, it throws off the flow. **

I agree VERY trendy, but I might just go with current trendy stuff just to put something together quick and get it on the net… then take my time on some really good design - I’ve just been feeling lately like if I just dont throw something up there and keep waiting for time to design something awesome I might never get a site… :frowning:

About the text, I agree… actually I am in the process of adding a bar (through the area where the text is) that is flat then slowly dives down offf the screen with a few different gery strips around it and the same yellow as the flower in the middle - kinda retro looking… I’ll post when I get it looking better…


Ok, can’t wait :slight_smile:

ok heres the general idea… but tomorrow I am going to use illustarator and make the strips more complex add some stuff---- this was just quiky to see how I liked the general idea:

I think I like the direction this is heading with the stips, it can improve greatly - but I like this better than the first post.


if anyone has any bright ideas I’d love to hear em! :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks good so far. I can’t wait to see what you come up with tomorrow.

Stick with the darker grey.

yeah thats what I’m thinking… I’ll actually use both, but make it match the lines in the upper part… ie there will be a hair thin line outlining the dark grey with the dark as a fill (just like the other stripes :stuck_out_tongue: )

Illustrator here I come…


::chants:: post!post!post!post!

hymmm If I were you, I would give that yellow stripe an alpha of like 75 or somehing… It’s a little bright personally… And I do like the darker stripes… Nice job :slight_smile:


Ooo, I like it. The Quebec Logo stands out to me, for some reason. I like it!