Learning Actionscript Book

Can anyone suggest a good Newbie->Advanced actionscript only flash mx book? One with exercises would be great too :slight_smile:

From experience only plz :wink:

–Am posting in AS forum too :slight_smile:

I like this one. =)


Everybody likes this one… :stuck_out_tongue:
If you’re looking for crazy code effects, Fresh Flash and Flash Math Creativity from Friends of Ed are pretty much as good as it gets (not really for beginners though).

I’ve read Flash MX Studio a little bit in a book shop and it looks very good.

The one electron geek suggested is pretty comprehensive, but I woundn’t suggest it unless you have some prior programming knowledge because it get’s deep quick. :slight_smile:

I disagree with Meridian, I bought that book with no previous programming knowledge and I could still get through almost all of it (the bit I couldn’t manage was the chapter on Objects, but I figured it out after rereading it).

tah, will purchase

thx for deleting one in AS too btw, cheers