Recomendation on books!

Hey everyone!
I was looking to buy a good actionscripit or/and flash book any ideas?

I just purchased O’Reilly book on Actionscript, But as I started reading it I realized it was for Faslh 5!!! Oh no!
Anyway, long story short I a going to return it and get something else instead. Gimmi ur opinions foo’s! jk/

flash to the core - joshua davis

Colin Moocks’ ASDG V2 is for Flash MX; you may have bought the older version :frowning: That is a good book though.

Kirupa :alien:

Flash MX actionscript bible.

It takes you from knowing nothing to knowing everything. I am at the begining still so I still know nothing :slight_smile: But it’s very in depth…

Any of them good to read, the book I bought is reall good to read and flows easily, I usualy don’t enjoy the ‘bible books’ much… but yes they do contain alot of info. If you can, can you guys elaborate why those books are good?

get the MX Moock book.

Can u guys tell me why?

I have several, several, too many Flash MX books. The best I have found is Actionscripting in Flash MX (published by New Riders). The Moock book is good reference, better than the builtin help, but the book I mentioned has no equal when it comes to explanations.

this book is awesome… and so is Moock’s

RussianBeer , if you go to Amazon you can actually check out some pages from the books you would like to check out , The two ahmed mentioned i have ordered. Still waiting!. But i found that they were two of the best books out now, especially moock’s. Even macromedia recommend that book at there site. :beam:

::remember to get the second edition of Moock’s book.