Least used feature of Flash

What is the least used feature in Flash that If MM took it out in MX 2005 we would notice for a week or so.

Comments welcome…

I doubt Macromedia should take anything out. :puzzle:It can always be helpful to someone. I think you should change you question to what are some bugs and errors MM could fix…

From what I have noticed, not too many people use the “Help” feature.

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**From what I have noticed, not too many people use the “Help” feature. **

LOL! :thumb:

I wouldn’t notice the loss of components at all! :pa: :bounce: (-:

Do prople use the tween along a line much?

I would imagine.

Your original question is kind of hard to answer since it all depends on what you use Flash for.

Actionscripters may take a while to realize that something tween wise was removed

Animators make take a while to realize something AS was taken out.

OOP programmers make take longer to realize something Server-Side was removed.

It all depends on what area in Flash you focus on most so it will vary for each person.

I am truely humbled by such a response


I guess nobody really uses “scenes”.
not sure if I would notice it ever.

*Originally posted by McGiver *
**I guess nobody really uses “scenes”.
not sure if I would notice it ever. **

oh yeah that too! :toad:

when I first started I was the scene master!! lol…everything that is in flash is needed…IMO

I use the guide paths. =)


a lot of people use scenes :stuck_out_tongue:

some of the things I have in the MX things you might have missed thread might be good answers.

Otherwise Id say Normal mode for Actionscript. OH WAIT. They DID take that out. Shweeew, luckily no one noticed!

*Originally posted by senocular *
**Otherwise Id say Normal mode for Actionscript. OH WAIT. They DID take that out. Shweeew, luckily no one noticed! **

they did? …hm… good thing I wasn’t using it anyway… :sleep: :nerd:

They sort of took out the / and replaced it with the more standard notation of .

/ notation still exists. In fact, _droptarget still uses it, even in MX04.

Most of what you guys said are very important to others. Like the help future. That thing is definetly important. You can look up almost anything in it. Tweening a line, well, some expert animators must use it. Tweening a line is like tweening an abstract shape, why would you remove that? Scenes? Wow, thats definetly important. Ever made an animated flash movie? Scenes are very helpful. I would use them for making websites too. Guide paths, well that sucks a little bit but you never know.

One thing that should definetly be taken out is the Shape Tween. Yuck, that thing is such a g-a-y waste. It doesn’t shape how you want it to. Putting 100 shape hints messes it up more.

*Originally posted by Sharif *
**One thing that should definetly be taken out is the Shape Tween. Yuck, that thing is such a g-a-y waste. It doesn’t shape how you want it to. Putting 100 shape hints messes it up more. **

Then just don’t use it :ro:

I still don’t get the “usefullness” of “scenes” :ninja:

Scenes suck now…when you can just load movies…and things of that nature. I have not used scenes in quite sometime. Shape tween I have used recently for a child game I made (thanks LIB for the coloring thingy). Everything in their is practical and someone will use it. As you get more and more advanced you shed that stuff. That is why it is getting dissed you are talking to the most advanced lifeforms on the planet lol :beam:…

BTW the help feature was sarcasm…

Shape tween is useful when you want just a fill to change color without having to convert it into a movieclip ya know

yeah shape tweens have their place when used right.

scenes too can be very useful in animation. I always avoid them in anything requiring much code, but for animation they can be a great way to maintain some organization