Left brain or right brain

Me too:nerd:

11 right, 7 left…

edit: how are you suppose to know which side of the room you prefer lol

13 right, 5 left…
I bet these numbers are just random and the dominating hemisphere gets decided by only the first question :stuck_out_tongue:

Left, but I’ve known this forever.

If anyone wants to know and doesn’t, the left brain is normally the side for the Math and Science geeks. The right side is normally for the artsy folks.

What confuses me is that I’m left handed, which is controlled by the right side of my brain, meaning I should be artistic. Someone screwed me up, I can’t draw, paint, or anything for beans :frowning:

[ot]Syko, to be or not to be. :stuck_out_tongue: I totally have that shirt from thinkgeek :)[/ot]

huh? But I suck at math, are good with language and I’m musical! How can I be left? :upset:

EDIT: I do suck at drawing and designing though

LEFT! :thumb:

Although the results are a little erratic.

I’m extremely comfortable with both my math and science and my artistic capabilities.

Seriously is that true? I’m a designer/fine artist and I was mostly left. I suck at stuff involving math but I love science.

7 right 11 left.

By math and science geeks I just mean that you think things through using logic rather than artsy dreams and stuff. You might be a modular or abstract artist, who knows :slight_smile: Honestly, people can mix around in different areas. Everyone has a little skill everywhere.

there was a series about this kind of stuff on the bbc a few months ago, i remember they had a very detailed online test that seemed a bit more realistic… il try and get a link (but im not very good at that… getting links that is)

I got 1 right sided answer the rest all left. I’d say that i’m much more artistic than mathematicaly inclined. Somethings there is just no accounting for Gary, no matter what the averages are, we are all individuals. Heck, I’m supposed to be a great speller according to this test. That’s just plain wrong. :slight_smile:

well i think this might be the test… its for personality types, which is basicly what this is… although i cant be bothered to check through the test to see if this is the same one i was talking about :slight_smile:


16 left, 2 right

HA!! I’m right brained- alot! 16 right, 4 left.

9l-9r , saying i used my left more though.

10right, 8left

Right… i’ve done this kind of test many of times and it’s always right.

It is said, that you can tell a lie by looking at a persons eyes… If you ask a guy to describe something, and he looks to the right, it means he is using the “creative” part of the brain, which means he probably makes it up. Left side though is more analytic.

So if THIS is true…

Actually you can tell if they’re telling a lie. When they do that eye gesture, the interrogator normally knows he’s lying, and that it needs further inquiry. It’s just one of the natural human tendencies.

not that i have this or whatever, shouldn’t you add no-brainer…?

Left. I pwn. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: