
ive just been playing around in MS paint and i came up with this…

its how my brain works, in an abstract way :player:

You strange boy :stuck_out_tongue:

Its cool though, original :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

…nice. :trout:

im working of more in the same style until it becomes over used and abandomed by all…

Different. In a good way. :slight_smile: I like it.

I defy anyone to make an image of how my brain works. :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by redViper *
**…nice. :trout: **

whats that ment to mean huh? :bad:

A vote of confidence all round. Hurrah. :stuck_out_tongue:

Your pic actually kind of reminds me of mariofan’s dot images… Like the face in his footer, you know what I mean?

yeah, mine are more crisp id say where his are less crips but mean more…

im not sure what i mean…!

man your brain works in a conplicated way! This reminds me of pixel art

*Originally posted by Starpromo *
**whats that ment to mean huh? :bad: **

use your imagination. :cowboy:

it’s different for sure. I bit anticimatic tho. i was expecting
something far more elaborate. Kinda dissapointed me.

hmmi like it. i love abstract stuff though

hey unfluxy… sorry dude. i didnt mean to dissapoint.

but to make something eleborate in MS paint kinda takes a long time…

hey but theres always next time. il try to make you UNdisapointed.

*Originally posted by redViper *
**use your imagination. :cowboy: **

well im not really sure… you say nice then hit me with a trout so i persume you mean to say you dont like it.

easier to say you didnt like it me thinks.