Legal issues on the internet


i was wondering if anyone had any advise or could maybe refer me to a some legal help regarding people taking information or your name off of the internet and using it for their own purposes.

a couple years ago, i had some artwork in a show in new york at cbgb’s gallery. it was a somewhat humourous show that my roommate at the time was curating so she put in one of my sculptures. no big deal. and there is a page from a magazine that wrote up a blurb about the show and it’s still on the internet although the show was like 8 years ago.

my problem is that i did a random search in a search engine and have found that some really sickening disgusting site has taken the blurb that was written about the show and stolen it for their site. is this legal? i don’t want to be associated with it and wondering if i should get some legal advise regarding this. any ideas? :!:

denise ciecierega