everything but the music is origional work and were getting a DJ freind of ours to make custom music so it will be totally origional…which is always sexy.
loader would be nice I mean % loader…also very hard to read the text on that background… 1 2 3 huh …that woulkd be nice if the nice intro plays afterwords…
and btw that font works only on 8pt antialising off!
MrMass I checked out your site and its really good. How do you make the round preloader like that…i’m assuming your using swift 3d for most of it but i like the site a lot
round preloader has been done all in flash bro, I had a vector and I cut it in pieces so every block is on a seperate layer…then I animate about 30 blocks same way and then u just move each movie clip only one frame so they open one after another 1…thats all about it u add a effect of advanced in flash and u have a cool %…
turn down the volume… and preferrably either turn off the intro sounds, or make it so you have to press something before the intro starts playing, and give an option to mute before you go into the sound… i hate sounds on websites. :b