I am using this:
var a = 4;
function loadIn2(movie, x, y) {
clip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("holder"+a, a+20);
clip._x = x;
clip._y = y;
loadin2.Interval4 = setInterval(loadIn2, 6500, "panel1.swf", 0, 112);
loadin2.Interval5 = setInterval(loadIn2, 11000, "panel2.swf", 205, 112);
loadin2.Interval6 = setInterval(loadIn2, 14000, "panel3.swf", 410, 112);
loadin2.Interval7 = setInterval(loadIn2, 17000, "panel4.swf", 615, 112);
loadin2.Interval8 = setInterval(loadIn2, 20500, "panel5.swf", 820, 112);
loadin2.Interval9 = setInterval(loadIn2, 27000, "ebs.swf", 100, 500);
function attach() {
_root.attachMovie("titlebar", "bar", 37);
bar._x = 512;
bar._y = 526;
bar._alpha = 0;
bar.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this._alpha <= 80) {
this._alpha += 4;
} else {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
attachinterval = setInterval(attach, 24000);
To load several movies into my main movie, as you can see. I am also loading in a movieclip within the main movie that loads after panel5.swf, but before ebs.swf
The problem I am having is that it is loading on top of ebs.swf, when I really want ebs.swf to be over the top of the mc I am loading.
If I have my var set to a=4, which it is and the empty mc is being created on level a=20, shouldn’t each empty mc that is created be on a level that is 4 above the prior mc?
If that were true, I should be able to use attachMovie to load my mc on a level right below ebs.swf - which it does not seem I am able to. Maybe the var a just starts at 4 and only adds on 1 each time rather than 4.
Could someone please let me know if this is/is not true? I think I will work around by making the mc into its own swf and loading it before loading ebs.swf, but I am still curious if my way of thinking is correct. Thank you.