*Originally posted by c!rYx * n1, how did you translate that lost?
I’ll try to change the picture like you told me…
I speak a tiny bit of German myself. But considering my family originally comes from Germany, I should know more. I wasn’t born there though… so no wonder I don’t. I know I get a lot of words mixed up, and sometimes I wonder what made me think to use a word…lol.
How was my translation? Good?, Bad?, Ok?, or just flat out horrible?
Your older splash is pretty cool. I like the red thing in the center. The text is a tiny bit hard to read with the black to white gradient. The black blends with the black background.
I think it is pretty good. Some words are really mixed up, but the sence is clear.
I’m born in Portland, OR but, just until I got 1 1/2 … So I’m a really citizen ;p
The splash has a very big contrast between the black and the red, thats what makes it so interesting… ;p
I think Germany is great for living and so on. I really like it. My town is middle sized, 14000 people and here is the headquater of adidas ;p
If some of you want to come over feel free to come by…