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n1, how did you translate that lost?
I’ll try to change the picture like you told me…

The dots are easy… but cool. But crosses are also cool, like on the pictures of the faked moon landing ;p I prefer 10x10px to create patterns, but just try it. You’ll like it.

This is an other cool splash art i did. Watch out for the pattern ;p

And if some of you guys would like to make a splash screen for my page, I would really appreciate it. It should be 600x150px …

*Originally posted by c!rYx *
n1, how did you translate that lost?
I’ll try to change the picture like you told me…

I speak a tiny bit of German myself. But considering my family originally comes from Germany, I should know more. I wasn’t born there though… so no wonder I don’t. I know I get a lot of words mixed up, and sometimes I wonder what made me think to use a word…lol.

How was my translation? Good?, Bad?, Ok?, or just flat out horrible?

Your older splash is pretty cool. I like the red thing in the center. The text is a tiny bit hard to read with the black to white gradient. The black blends with the black background.

I think it is pretty good. Some words are really mixed up, but the sence is clear.
I’m born in Portland, OR but, just until I got 1 1/2 … So I’m a really citizen ;p
The splash has a very big contrast between the black and the red, thats what makes it so interesting… ;p

I was born in the bowel movements of hell known as Philadelphia, PA. I am still here… I hate it.

How is it in Germany? Do you like it there?

Definite character with character…

Minored in German back in my college days. My best subject, always wanted to get over there and enjoy the culture first hand… maybe one day.

I think Germany is great for living and so on. I really like it. My town is middle sized, 14000 people and here is the headquater of adidas ;p
If some of you want to come over feel free to come by…