Lil SSI php help

heres the error:

“Warning: Failed opening ‘/tx/inc/’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/httpd/html/barrio/tx/index.php on line 1”

the include file just has plain html…

the code:

  <? include("/tx/inc/") ?> 

You know what is causing the prob?

the server supports php… maybe i gotta use anoter include code?

I am new with PHP so I don’t know for sure… but I don’t think you can include a file in a different directory.

Are you sure that the path is correct? That may be what is causing the problem.

i can do it with ASP… (inc in dif directory)

but im having this prob with php… maybe is something in the server?..

maybe its something with the


you could try 'require();" instead of include… that may work. I’m nto sure. it sounds like there is a problem with your path.

<? require("/tx/inc/") ?> 

you mean that?


Fatal error: Failed opening required ‘/tx/inc/’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/httpd/html/barrio/tx/index.php on line 1

hehe that was not the prob :stuck_out_tongue:

I think its your path then. :slight_smile: Make sure that its 100% accurate. Then if that doesn’t work… find a PHP board and post there. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry I can’t help more… :slight_smile:

yeah i think is the path also, gonna cal the hosting company and see what the F, is wrong with the path, im 100% is like that…

ill tell u in a min what they said.

awesome. I would like to know what is up as well…


maybe they gonna send me to a php board or something :stuck_out_tongue:

they are a bit dumb…

the other day they said “we(support team) dont help with programming problems in our servers”

:P… and i said WTF!?


they got me on hold…

maybe they checking the manual…


i hate these kind of errorS!"#!"#

you kknow what the error was!?

a ■■■■ ; at the end of the include…

<? require("/tx/inc/") ?> 

<? require("/tx/inc/"); ?> 

■■■■ the DEVIL!

THANKS DUDES!!! be sure to look out for these kind of errors, they are the worst error in programming you could get…

you dont know what the error is… or where it is… and u end up deleting the file lol!, and the only error was a unclosed bracket!

i hate those!



I hate them too man. I had a problem with an include like that too, but I knew it right off the bat so I didn’t read the message it outputted.


wow…can’t believe we all missed that. It happens tho.

Macromedia took it too easy on us by letting the whole “;” thing slide in Flash.

PHP is not so forgiving. :evil:

Javascript is not so forgiving with it either. Luckily it comes naturally for me to add it… sorta :-\