Line Spacing w/ Dynamic Text

Hey guys, I have a question about line spacing and dynamic text. For my client site, ,a line break is double spaced. I didn’t use HTML, and this is exactly what the Shop Haultrash text file looks like: now has an online store to buy all kinds of HaulTrash merchandise! At the store, you will find:

-Collared Shirts
-Baby Accessories
-Tote Bags
-And Much More!

If you go to the shop section on the site however, whenever there is a line break it is double spaced. To add to the problem, it works fine on my own server, as you can see if you go to

The .swf, .html files and .txt files are the exact same on both sites. What could be making the text act like this? Is there a double line break in Flash or something you can customize?

Maybe you guys know something I don’t because I’m stump[ed, and as far as I know, the server should ot have anything to do with the text.


Hey brad… check the one on your site again. It isnt converting the HTML now.

BTW: I am still stumped, same as before.

No Lost, it never was. That is the file you gave me and it never worked. Anyone else have any ideas? Is there a double spacing thing in Flash? This happen to anyone else before?


I can’t help, but if you want company in your misery…

<a href=“”> my example of Scott Olsen’s pageflip </a>

I ran into the same thing. Since this wasn’t for a client, just speculation, I didn’t worry about it. I would like to know the answer tho…

Sorry I couldn’t help,


Yeah it’s a werid bug. But Rev I didn’t see it on your site, that was pretty good!


it was because, since it was for speculation, and I wasn’t getting paid, I added spaces rather than a HRT, just to show the client…

so it doesn’t show right now, but if I redo the .txt, it will…

just commisserating…

thanks, the pageflip thingy was found by lostinbeta in another thread… open source stuff, not my invention at all… I just put dynamic text in the spaces he had images…


Did anyone of you find a solution for this? I’m having the same problem that “whenever there is a line break it is double spaced”!


Lost showed me this awhile ago and it is a undocumented feature in flash called condenseWhite. I lost the link to the tutorial, but I do have an example FLA that has 2 dynamic text boxes, one has condenseWhite applied to it and the other doesn’t. You can see the difference. I hope it helps.

EG: There was no tutorial, I gave that file and told you how to use it :stuck_out_tongue:

And yes, condenseWhite is an excellent feature and I have no clue why they didn’t document it. Perhaps it isn’t officially completed or supported, but either way it works and it is great.

Oops, I guess you’re the tutorial then Lost. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shibby :slight_smile:

Thx a lot EG and Lostinbeta, i was with the same problem here!

Shiggety Shiggety Shwa :slight_smile: Glad EG could help :slight_smile:

You’re welcome my fellow red chilli pepper. :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**You’re welcome my fellow red chilli pepper. :stuck_out_tongue: **
:stuck_out_tongue: I need to find an avatar for myself :stuck_out_tongue:

Make one, it can be quite refreshing, and you can be all proud and stuff.

You can run outside and start jogging around your block being all like “LOOK I MADE MY OWN AVATAR!!! YAY!!! NO MORE RED CHILI PEPPERS!!!” Then people can open their doors and throw stuff at you.

Sounds fun eh?

Don’t mind me, I am quite hyper and feel like being annoying tonight :evil:

Yeah im very bored, i think im goin to make an avatar… :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah cool :smiley: