Linking different swf files


Im still fairly new to Flash and im trying to link different .swf files together…

Heres the problem - ive got a swf animation which acts as my ‘home page’ - it contains a small intro and then my 4 buttons which link to other documents appear.

I’m using the loadmovie action on each button to link to a different swf file - each swf file contains all the same layers as used in my opening movie (ie : an image and navigation) but there is no animation - the pages will be static but just containing the extra layer of text they need. This seems to work fine but… when i click on the link ‘home’ to take me back to my original swf file it loads ok but keeps repeating… I had already unticked the ‘loop’ command in the publish preview section… Has anyone got any ideas?

The code or actionscript i am using for this is :

on (release) {
loadMovie(“myfile.swf”, “_root”);

Ive taken some tips from Kirupas page on creating a full flash site but ive not seen any ideas withthis problem?? Anyone?!!

Cheers … :cool:

throw a stop command in the homepage Action Script… and Voila!! if not post ya file here and someone’ll have a crack at it for ya!!

Thanks for that - it worked!

Only problem now is … i want the files to load smoothly (ie: with all images staying ‘still’ and only the text changing… - im not sure ive made too good a job of it - ive uploaded my files to my website here -

i tried to attach my .fla files but they are too big!

Any ideas anyone?

Thanks :wink: