I am making a flash portfolio which can be seen here http://members.tripod.com/umairkhan20/portfolio.htm
Only problem I am having is howto link another flash file jus like this one together…for example if u see this link and u see the “About Me” section…I want it that the user clicks that and it opens another .swf file…if someone can help me with this it will be great… if u need me to explain this in more detail plz feel free to email me and I can explain it to u more detailed…
thanks and take care
You can use loadMovie() or loadMovieNum() for that.
A good description can be found in the AS Dictionary…
Make sure your “about me” title is a button
Make sure the button is selected and open the “actions” panel
put in
on (release) {
loadMovieNum(“yourmoviehere.swf”, 2);
yourmoviehere = Your movie name of the file you want to load
2 = is the level to open your file. I would suggest makeing all your movies open on the same level so if someone clicks on about me and then on portfolio - your about me disapears and your portfolio shows up.
One other thing - on your buttons on the top - make sure you give them a hit field - right now you have to touch a part of the text for a button. If you put a box around the text in the “hit” section of your button the whole area you just filled in with colour will be the button.
I hope I explained that well enough
■■■■ you lost
beat me to the punch hahahaha
You know, there arent’ many questions I can answer!
Hey thanks alot guys for all ur help…
I really appreciate it…
thanks again and take care
everything u guys said worked perfect… jus that when i click on about me the music from the main page still keeps going…So the new page loads but the backround music from the previous keeps going and a new track from the new page also plays…anyone know how i can fix this error?
sorry for being a pest…i need to get this done by friday for my college :-
well that depends on how you have your music set up.
I guess the sure fire way to do it is have it so when you click on a button it plays the “stop all sounds” command in the actions pannel
Just select the button - and add that. It will stop all sounds playing and let the new one start.
Yeah… so on your button before you load your movie have a stopAllSounds() action.
Then when your movie loads, it will load the new sound.
Should work