Linking flash header with dreamweaver made pages

Hey guys,

I have a flash header for my website which has 4 buttons on it…my question is:
How can i link those flash buttons to my other pages… (note: other pages are done in Dreamweaver, only the header is done in FLASH)

I tried linking flash header with other pages in dreamweaver…but i guess since its a flash header i can’t link from Dreamweaver… I have to use FLASH for this and i don’t have a clue how i can link…

Please give me detail walkthrough…cause i don’t know too much about Flash MX.

Any help on this matter would be great !

{}–>The courage to follow your dreams is your first step toward destiny<–{}

Hi welcome…

Your buttons would need “actions” that would call the HTML page.

Open up flash, and click on one of you buttons.
Open the actions panel


_blank will open the page in a new browser, _self with open the page in the same browser.

If you are using frames, then replace _blank with the frame name.


Thanks for the quick reply, but
i want to link flash header with other pages before i publish my website…

Is there a way i can link flash header navigation buttons with dreamweaver pages before i publish my website ??


that is exactly what the answer explains…
for each button in flash, you set up a getURL action to “link to” the html (dreamweaver) page you want to open.