Button trouble going into dreamweaver

Ok, my site: andarts.co.uk, is under construction.

I’m making most of it in flash, and then using dreamweaver to piece it all together (banners etc).

The problem i’m having is with my main nav bar at the top, I’m not sure what code to use to link pages together…do i use the ‘getURL’ ActionS in flash…or can i do it in dream? Will i have to make seperate pages in dream (about, portfolio, downloads etc) or can just the blue box be changed?

If you have a look, i have put script onto the portfolio button, which works ok…but i dont think is the most efficent and load time friendly way. Please note: the nav bar is a single swf, so will this prove a problem in dream with regards to adding link to each button?

Thanks for taking time to read my problem, and thanks in advance for any tips/advice.
