I have a problem making a link in Flash…
I have a image which I would like to make a new URL link. I have tried the tutorial that I found from kirupa, but it`s not working. I converted my picture to a button and used a following code:
on (release) {
getURL(“http://www.angryblue.com”, “_blank”);
Has anybody else had the same problem? :*(
And I DID made a search before positing this thread. 
That getURL script looks about right. Are you sure you applied it to the button? Select your button and open your actions panel and make sure that you indeed put the code on the button.
why is it wrong? If it is wrong then I must be blind, what is the correct script then?
wait, im stupid dont listen to me!
I know its right, but my link still doesn
t work. :*(
Is there something else Im missing? I
m new with Flash and therefore don`t know all details you propably know.