i’ve done some links deep down in some graphics symbols, and when i press the link it is supposed to go to a frame on the MAINtimeline
now i’ve writen
on (release) {
which means that when i press the button it goes to the second frame in the graphic symbol (where i store the buttons)
but as i’ve tried to explain.i want the link to go to frame 2 in the maintimeline (if that’s what it’s called)
i hope u understand my bad english and my even worse explanation.
nested in GRAPHIC symbols, there should be no change in scope since graphics arent themselves objects but more like groups which are associated with a common library item. However, if in that nesting you are within a MOVIECLIP symbol, the scope then changes to be part of the main timeline -> movieclip. Then, any gotos will reference the timeline of that movieclip and not the main timeline. Thats when you have to tell the main timeline specifically to goto where ever. In script, the name of the main timeline is _root. So to tell _root to go to a frame, precede the gotoAndPlay command with the prefix _root. ie
Then, you will be sure that you are telling the main timeline that you want IT to goto and play some frame.