Liquify image not working

Has anyone had problems getting the Liquify image tutorial to work?

I doesn’t work when I try it! Does this have something to do with the flash updater?

i couldnt get it to work either

I am glad that I am not the only one who couldn’t get the Liquify image Tutorial to work.

Is there anyone out there that could get that tut to work?

Help would be greatly appreciated

I spent tedious time going thru that tutorial only to find it a waste of time…What could have been a helpfull tut turned out to be a dud …there was no fla file for reference and the action script was not in usable form …there should have been a complete action script to copy and paste to aT least see how it worked I cant believe they let that thing get posted on the website …does anyone proof read these things before they are posted…and the so called link to the authors website was also a dud…must be someone playing a prank…come on admin dont tease us like that…only let serious authors atempt to make lessons for all us students to learn from …

Thank you Magnum_357 and kvfb97. It is a travesty that there is a dud tutorial on Kirupa. PULL THE TUT DOWN OR FIX IT.

have you guys tried sending the tutourial author an email

The author forgot to add this in the tutorial. Add it at the bottom underneath the rest of the script :

pic_mc.onRollOver = function ()

That’s it boys and girls.

I got error messages out the wazzewww …would be nice to have the action script in one piece from top to bottom to copy and paste and test…its ok to break it up to explain what it does …but its even nicer to have it all in one piece and a fla file to go along with it would be great…It did say there was one for download on that page but low and behold it was not there…
In my opinion the author should redo the tutorial and repost the amended version …if he is serious that is…other wise it should be removed from the webpage all together…Kirpura is a fantastic place for flashers to gain knowledge that tutorial is beneath the dignity of the admins to allow it to stay as it is…just my opinion…no offense…