Problem with Liquify Tutorial

I tried the Liquify Tutorial and I managed to get the motion working fine, the only problem is that all the circles are white instead of transparent to create the liquid effect. I’m pretty new to flash and basically just copied a lot of the actionscript so I’m not sure where in the actionscript that I’m making a mistake. If anyone could help that would be great! This is the code I have:

var theRubberizer:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("theScene", this.getNextHighestDepth()); 
var maxImages:Number = 20; 
dupeAndPlace = function(image:MovieClip):Object{ 
var arrHolder:Object = new Object(); 
arrHolder.pics_arr = new Array(0); 
arrHolder.masks_arr = new Array(0); 
for(var i=1; i< maxImages; i++){ 
var dnm = "image" + i; 
var mnm = "mask" + i; 
var imgObj = {_x:image._x, _y:image._y, _xscale:100+(i*1.5), _yscale:100+(i*1.5)}; 
var maskObj = {_xscale:Math.floor(100/i+3), _yscale:Math.floor(100/i+3)}; 
var theDupedImage = image.duplicateMovieClip(dnm, theRubberizer.getDepth()+i, imgObj); 
var theDupedMask = mask_mc.duplicateMovieClip(mnm, theRubberizer.getDepth()+ (i*50), maskObj); 
var imgObj = { _x:image._x, _y:image._y, 
_xscale:100+(i*1.5), _yscale:100+(i*1.5) }; 
var maskObj = {_xscale:Math.floor(100/i+3), 
_yscale:Math.floor(100/i+3), _x:this._xmouse, 
var theDupedImage = image.duplicateMovieClip(dnm, 
theRubberizer.getDepth()+i, imgObj); 
var theDupedMask = mask_mc.duplicateMovieClip(mnm, i*100, maskObj); 
mask_mc._visible = false; 
return arrHolder; 
my_movieClip.onEnterFrame = function(){
this._x += (destinationX - this._x) / 10; 
makeWaves = function (masks_arr:Array) { 
for (var i = masks_arr.length; i>0; i--) { 
masks_arr*._x += (this._xmouse-masks_arr*._x)/maxImages*i; 
masks_arr*._y += (this._ymouse-masks_arr*._y)/maxImages*i; 
liquefyImage = function(theImage:MovieClip){ 
var arrHolder:Object = dupeAndPlace(theImage); 
theRubberizer.onEnterFrame = function(){ 
pic_mc.onRollOver = function ()