Hi guys,
I know a little AS but AS3 is seriously blowing my mind (anybody know of any good books with tutorials for AS3, general basics etc?)
Anyway, my problem is Im making a dance game that consists of 3 movies; intro movie (where you pick a character), and then a BOY and GIRL movie that loads up depending on if you select male or female as your character. This all works fine - but what I need is a listener on my start movie that knows when you have clicked “play again” on the loaded movie - and when this button is pressed the BOY or GIRL movie is unloaded and the main intro movie restarts.
Code in Intro (that loads the external movie for GIRL):
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“girlDance.swf”);
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
Then there is a button instance named “again_but” on the final frame of the girlDance.swf
So i need a line that will listen for this button being pressed and unload the girlDance.swf and reset the playhead to frame 1
Any help would be greatly appreciated… I may have waffled and make no sense! Failing this a line of code that will refresh the IE browser when “again_but” is pressed would be fine!