Live webcam!

Camera class


Flash Player 6.


The Camera class is primarily for use with Macromedia Flash Communication Server, but can be used in a limited way without the server.

The Camera class lets you capture video from a video camera attached to the computer that is running Macromedia Flash Player–for example, to monitor a video feed from a web camera attached to your local system. (Flash provides similar audio capabilities; for more information, see the [color=#0000ff]Microphone class[/color] entry.)

**Warning: **When a SWF file tries to access the camera returned by [color=#0000ff]Camera.get()[/color], Flash Player displays a Privacy dialog box that lets the user choose whether to allow or deny access to the camera. (Make sure your Stage size is at least 215 x 138 pixels for the Camera class examples; this is the minimum size Flash requires to display the dialog box.)

To create or reference a Camera object, use [color=#0000ff]Camera.get()[/color].

Method summary for the Camera class

Method Description [color=#0000ff]Camera.get()[/color]Returns a default or specified Camera object, or null if the camera is not available.

[color=#0000ff]Camera.setMode()[/color]Sets aspects of the camera capture mode, including height, width, and frames per second.

[color=#0000ff]Camera.setMotionLevel()[/color]Specifies how much motion is required to invoke Camera.onActivity(true) and how much time should elapse without motion before Camera.onActivity(false) is invoked.

[color=#0000ff]Camera.setQuality()[/color]Specifies the maximum amount of bandwidth that the current outgoing video feed can use, in bytes per second.

Property summary for the Camera class

Property (read-only) Description [color=#0000ff]Camera.activityLevel[/color]The amount of motion the camera is detecting.

[color=#0000ff]Camera.bandwidth[/color]The maximum amount of bandwidth the current outgoing video feed can use, in bytes.

[color=#0000ff]Camera.currentFps[/color]The rate at which the camera is capturing data, in frames per second.

[color=#0000ff]Camera.fps[/color]The rate at which you would like the camera to capture data, in frames per second.

[color=#0000ff]Camera.height[/color]The current capture height, in pixels.

[color=#0000ff]Camera.index[/color]The index of the camera, as reflected in the array returned by [url=“”][color=#0000ff]Camera.names[/color].

[color=#0000ff]Camera.motionLevel[/color]The amount of motion required to invoke Camera.onActivity(true).

[color=#0000ff]Camera.motionTimeOut[/color]The number of milliseconds between the time when the camera stops detecting motion and the time Camera.onActivity(false) is invoked.

[color=#0000ff]Camera.muted[/color]A Boolean value that specifies whether the user has allowed or denied access to the camera.

[color=#0000ff][/color]The name of the camera as specified by the camera hardware.

[color=#0000ff]Camera.names[/color]Class property in an array of strings reflecting the names of all available video capture devices, including video cards and cameras.

[color=#0000ff]Camera.quality[/color]An integer specifying the required level of picture quality, as determined by the amount of compression being applied to each video frame.

[color=#0000ff]Camera.width[/color]The current capture width, in pixels.

Event handler summary for the Camera class

Event handler Description [color=#0000ff]Camera.onActivity[/color]Invoked when the camera starts or stops detecting motion.

[color=#0000ff]Camera.onStatus[/color]Invoked when the user allows or denies access to the camera.

I saw a thread on this thread along time ago…somone was asking… so here you go