Load jpg with loadMovie

Hi I now this shouldn´t be hard but it won´t work properly for mie (n00b).

I´m trying to load a external jpg into a MC calld holder. In the first frame I use following code

[AS]loadMovie(“test.jpg”, holder);[/AS]

Now the pic loads just fine but the rest of the layout dissapears? I´ve tried to load it in a diffrent level but then I can´t use Target in the code ( or can I?).
Please give me an hand with this…
PS attaching the fla

PS attaching the fla

ehmm … you forgot the fla :stuck_out_tongue: =)

is the rest of the layout in the same movie clip? if so … when a movie or jpg is loaded into a movie clip or level everything in the movie clip or level will be replaced with the new movie or jpg … :slight_smile:

Opps sorry trying once more.

No it´s not in the same movieclip.

I could make the pic a swf file and then it works fine but I really would like to now how to just load the pics without doing that.

you forgot to put the instance name in the movie clip :slight_smile:

Well I tried that earlier but it didn´t help, I´m feel really silly for this ´couse I should now this but…

Here´s the fla again with the pic in a zip.

Thx for the patience

Hold the presses!!! I finally got it working, don´t now how but it´s working. Thx Kax for your patiance

=) good for you :wink: