Loading external jpgs into mc instances

I have no problem loading an external jpg into the main timeline, but I cannot figure out how to do it properly in a movieclip.
Here is what I am trying (with a mc instance of “clipper”).

_root.clipper._x = 100;
_root.clipper._y = 100;
_root.clipper._xscale = 50;
_root.clipper._yscale = 50;

I have this code on a frame within "clipper".

Probably the instance name of the MovieClip is wrong?

However, since you mentioned that the code is on a frame of the MovieClip, instead of _root.clipper you could use this. :wink:
this._x = 100;
this._y = 100;
this._xscale = 50;
this._yscale = 50;[/AS]

Thanks, but I am having some trouble. (thanks for the THIS tip.

The image loads, but there is nothing else on the screen. It is almost like Flash trashed everything else in that clip. I wanted it to appear with some other elements on the page, but it replaces everything!

Are those elements inside the same MovieClip?

When you load an SWF/JPEG, everything in that MovieClip or level will be replaced by the SWF/JPEG. :-\

Create a MovieClip and load the JPEG into it…
[AS]this.createEmptyMovieClip(“container”, 0);
container._x = 100;
container._y = 100;
container._xscale = 50;
container._yscale = 50;[/AS]

I haven’t really used loadMovie but I thought you needed to add a level to load the new movie clip into otherwise it would overwrite what was at the root of your destination.

Try something like…



PERFECT! Thanks!

You’re welcome. =)