Load movie

I’m having trouble with the “load movie” action. I add the action to my button, but when I click it, it loads a blank page…I’m linking to a URL… is that the best way to do it? Any explanation that leads to any understanding of this function would be greatly appreciated!! --noob

Could you post the action you used on your button?

loadMovieNum(“http://www.nerdrocker.com”, 1);

here ya go…

I could be wrong, but I don’t think you can load a webpage into flash. What are you trying to load it into?

EDIT: sorry, I didn’t read your question carefully, if you just want to link it to a URL then use this:

on (release) {
    getURL("http://www.somesite.com/", "_blank");

okay… i’m thinking html. i do need to load a .swf for the load movie… i’ll keep messing with it …thanks man.

yes … either loadMovie() or loadMovieNum() they’ve got to be swf’s

eg already said … you can’t load html pages into flash.
the most you can do is html formatted text

whats the best way to clear all actions that have been applied to a button? I’ve messed with this one so much its going nuts…


well … i don’t know what you’re trying to do but i’ll give you two options :slight_smile:

a flag:

instance.onRelease = function () {
if (!flag) {
// your actions here
flag = true

or disable the button:

instance.onRelease = function () {
// your actions here
this.enabled = false

hope it helps =)

thanks! i’ll give it a try

no problem :wink: