Load movie

If a flash 5 movie is hosted at www.mydomain.com/myfile.swf, one can use “loadmovie” to get the following file:www.differentdomain.com/media/file.swf\r\rA)True\rB)False\r\rCan any one there help me out with this ques. along with the approcriate reason for choosing one of the option.\r\rThanks in Adv.\rSonia

False;\r\rFlash can only load movies and variables from the same domain as it is being hosted on.\r\rIt’s a security wall built into the program to prevent one from grabbing things off of other people’s servers.\r\rNow, Flash can manipulate a PHP or ASP page on it’s server, which happens to load things from other servers… but they could still only be done as new movies, not loaded into the one that’s running… and that’s a bit tricky anyway…