PHP, Flash, and cross-domain Variable-loading

In the info files for Flash, it says of the loadVariables funcion:

url An absolute or relative URL where the variables are located. If you access the movie using a Web browser, the host for the URL must be in the same subdomain as the movie itself.

I encountered this issue when I tried to create an email comment .swf form for a website on a server which does not support PHP. The .swf was coded to acces a PHP script on a server which /does/ support PHP:

form.loadVariables(“”, “POST”);

My first and best option was to go to the help files for the non-php server ( In the FAQ, it said to ask the techies to install PHP on the server (literally, it said to ask for it). So I did. They replied with “boo! you’re just a lowly student. Only people with accounts get PHP! Not accounts! mwahaha!”
Ok, not really, but what they really said was that they wont install PHP for security issues.


So, my qestions: Is there a way around Flash’s loadVariables parameters? Is there a way for me to access PHP files between domains? Why is BU being so anal?