Is it possible to define the order in which things load on a dreamweaver page??
Like in flash you can do a preloader so that user doesnt have to wait for things to load.
I have a background image on every page, which I have made as small as possible so that it loads quicky, however I dont want anything else to be displayed on the page untill this loads otherwise it just looks badly made!!!
Can this be done, or is there any tricks or tips to give the impression of a splash or load screen.
(i am aware that the way that html works is by location the image from source when it is needed and therefor I presume you dont or cant load every page at the beginning)
Hope this makes a little sense.
Suggestions please.
here is the link to the site so that u can see what I mean about the load order (on a fast connection u might not even notice it, but see how the content loads first then the background image after it loads.)