I have a flash application that works as follows
-screen is displayed
-xml file read (file contains an unknown number of items)
-list box populated with movieclips for every item in the xml file
What I want to do is display some sort of loading message until all the items have been populated in the list box and are displaying on the screen.
I tried using the preloader component and my own creation with various techniques with no luck. Am I missing something?
Can anyone help
Thank you
post your code for which loads your xml file
I can’t really post the code that reads the XML it is fairly large and complicated spread over a few classes.
-Each item in the XML is read into a Class say xmlItem
-xmlItem extends the flash MovieClip object
-after all xmlItems have been created a function called populate() is called
-populate takes each xmlItem and places them in their last saved position
-the position can be one of two places on the grid, or in the unused “bin” (this bin is a listbox)
-populate sets the xmlItems to display properly (small icons in the bin and big icons on the grid)
-populate draws arrows between linked xmlItems on the grid
While all of this is happening I want to have a preloader displaying because it takes about 4 seconds and the movie is just stalled then everything appears at once.
The preloader component isnt working for me… the only reason I can think of is because the main movie is loaded properly but new movies are being added to it dynamically
no i meant post your AS code forwhich loads the xm,l in your text file, you can make a message in there. simple if statement