Load variable file name from param tag

Hi Guys,

Iam new to this site :beer:

I have this smal problem of loading the xml file name from param tag in html, the xml file name is a variable which i am passing liks this

<param name=“movie” value=“slideshow.swf?x2xml=xmlphoto.xml”>

Iam trying top get this x2xml file name into the flash file, but tits not working, if I try the xml file name directly its working perfectly…this is how iam calling the variable

Action Script

xxml = myPhoto.loadVariables(“x2xml”);
blah blah

can any one guide me on how to get the variable name from the html param tag.

thanz in advance.

If you are passing it like “flash.swf?x2xml=myfile.xml” then you should just be able to say
xxml = _level0.x2xml;
blah blah
hth :beer:

btw, this should probably be posted in Flash:Actionscript.

Thanks a lot skoob.

That did it. :kommie: