Load vars problem!

I am trying to make a flash project tht will load the text from webpages and show it!:to:
I use LoadVars for this. And i use a crossdomain.xml file as Policy file. My problem is when i try it the text field who should have displayed the text just displays a lot of nubers and % marks:tired: The LoadVars code i use for the ok button is this:


on (press) {
 var Adress:String = String(Adress_txt.text);
 var externalData:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
externalData.onLoad = function(){
 table_txt.htmlText =  externalData;
externalData.load('http://' + Adress);
on(release) {
 var Adress = '';

i have attahed my projects files if it could help!:te: [/LEFT]