Loaded and embedded all the text, no idea now?

hey there;
i have a main file that other swf’s load into. in the loading swf’s i have dynamic text fields (set to dynamic) that i feed from a var. these fields are on top of mc buttons with rollovers. when i view the files on their own in the player they work perfectly. as soon as i try to preview them inside the main swf or in a browser, the rollovers arent working and the text is not there. the mouse icon does turn to a text image when i move across the area but thats about it. i looked aorund the forums and couldnt find anything. if there is a link someone knows of please send it?
i have embedded the text while it was on the button in the supporting swfs. and in the main swf i did it through the “new font” on the library, and set the linkage to export.
heres my code…

//create an array of button lables
var lables_array:Array = new Array(“shift jacket”,“msr tee”,“shift cap”,“shift beanie”,“fox hoody”,“fox cap”,“fox cap”,“msr meshback”,“msr hoody”,“tld logo cap”,“shift tshirt”);
var cuttentBt:MovieClip; // variable to hold currrent bt were programming
//loop through all the buttons and program them
for(var i=0; i < 11; i++){
currentBt = _root[“btn” + i]; //remember the current button
currentBt.lable_txt.text = lables_array* // set the lable on the button
currentBt.onRelease = function(){//program the button
this.enabled = true;
//reset =================================
function resetButtons(){
for(var i = 0; i < 11 ; i++){
currentBt = _root[“btn” + i];
currentBt.enabled = true;

no dice? ended up i didnt have any button actions put towards the actual button itself, just the artwork. so the rollovers are working but the text is still not there. i made the textbox and the rollover inside the same movieclip on different frames and just duplicated it time after time with the embedded textbox. does that make the textbox void on all the other duplications? im sure its something small and stupid… sorry to bug you guys

Take out all the references to _root because since you loaded into another swf, its not the root anymore =)