hey there;
i have a main file that other swf’s load into. in the loading swf’s i have dynamic text fields (set to dynamic) that i feed from a var. these fields are on top of mc buttons with rollovers. when i view the files on their own in the player they work perfectly. as soon as i try to preview them inside the main swf or in a browser, the rollovers arent working and the text is not there. the mouse icon does turn to a text image when i move across the area but thats about it. i looked aorund the forums and couldnt find anything. if there is a link someone knows of please send it?
i have embedded the text while it was on the button in the supporting swfs. and in the main swf i did it through the “new font” on the library, and set the linkage to export.
heres my code…
//create an array of button lables
var lables_array:Array = new Array(“shift jacket”,“msr tee”,“shift cap”,“shift beanie”,“fox hoody”,“fox cap”,“fox cap”,“msr meshback”,“msr hoody”,“tld logo cap”,“shift tshirt”);
var cuttentBt:MovieClip; // variable to hold currrent bt were programming
//loop through all the buttons and program them
for(var i=0; i < 11; i++){
currentBt = _root[“btn” + i]; //remember the current button
currentBt.lable_txt.text = lables_array* // set the lable on the button
currentBt.onRelease = function(){//program the button
this.enabled = true;
//reset =================================
function resetButtons(){
for(var i = 0; i < 11 ; i++){
currentBt = _root[“btn” + i];
currentBt.enabled = true;